Writing About The Experiences That Shape Our Lives in This, Our Modern World.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
A Letter To An Old And Dear Friend, pt2 - Deflating The Lies Of The GOP.
Those of you who read my first letter know what's going on here. For those of you who are new to my blog, it's about a friend of mine, who now resides a couple of thousand miles away now, who has recently been spouting some of the fallacious diatribe of the right. He's said things refering to Obama as a Muslim (even if he is, so what?)and that POTUS will take his guns away.
This second letter is in response to some of his statements.
Dear *****,
Why do you call Obama 'Obummer'? When he took office, unemployment was at 10%, now it's at 8%. He restored our auto-industry, effectively Saving More Than 1 Million Jobs of jobs. If the GOP obstructionists in the House hadn't blocked a roosevelt-type jobs bill, millions more would have jobs. Obama has made healthcare available to 6 million more citizens. Is that really a bad thing? The republicans objections to "ObamaCare" are simply reactionary rhetoric from those who prefer a feudalistic society. Yeah, it's a bummer all right, a bummer he was blocked from helping the citizenry as much as he may have.
Obama doesn't 'appease rogue states', he deals with them in a more sensible manner. Besides, I think if Iran did have nukes, it would restore the balance of power left vacant by Georgy-boy's OPEC sponsored destruction of Iraq (which was actually a relatively mellow place till our 'brave' warriors showed up), maybe Israel wouldn't keep stomping on the palestinians and poisoning their water supply as much as they do. We always villify the opposition to our interests, even when our interests are less than admirable.
Progressives stand, like the greatest president ever, Franklin Roosevelt, who single handedly created the worlds largest middle-class, for moving humanity forward to a truly egalitarian society. The fascist-baiters of the Gop want a better society for the corporations and themselves, the public good is not even on their list.
So I do hope you are reading this w/an open mind and seeing that this is the reality of things, without the stench of corporate propganda from those who, as george carlin so aptly put it, "'Don't give a shit about you, they don't care...they don't care!"
Sunday, September 23, 2012
In Defense Of Atheism And Reason-Based Thinking
Atheism is not a belief, just a greater awareness of the real nature of reality, untarnished by our ancient past's emotion-based thinking.
I'v read the Bible 3 times (twice in the Iron Bar Inn!) and extensively researched history particular to that time-frame, and I can say with great certainty that anyone who knows the larger context of the history of religion knows that the Bible is a horrid bit of ancient mythological nonsense that advocates slavery, advocates stoning to death as appropriate punishment for ridiculous transgressions, was assembled primarily by tyrants, and used to exploit and control the masses.
There is very little truth in the Bible. Except for a few philosophical ideas that anyone with any modicum of ethics would presume. It's mostly a gallimaufry of mythologies by bronze-age cultures that had not an inkling of understanding of physics or gravity or the properties of light, molecules or atoms, and who thought the earth was the center of everything.
The Jesus story is simply a rehashing of so many earlier mythologies, including the Ammen-Ra myth from Egypt ('Amen' at the end of christian prayer comes from Ammen-Ra), and Dionysus from the Mycenaean culture, all of whom were born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, walked on water, performed miracles and were crucified or killed and then resurrected after 3 days. These ubiquitous ideas represented the winter solstice when the Sun is 'Dead', or lowest in the sky and in the vicinity of a constellation called 'Crux', or cross, for three days between Dec 22 & Dec 25. On the 25th the sun starts to climb higher every day, forshadowing spring and renewed life. Thus, the sun died on the cross, was dead for three days, and then resurrected. This is what the Jesus story clearly represents, and the meme is from thousands of years before "Christianity" was even a twinkle in Abraham's eye! Seriously!
(Islam, Judaism and Christianity all share the same heritage, as sons of Abraham)
And last but assuredly not least is the unmitigated fact that there has been more suffering and death in the history of the world due to the Bible than by any other cause besides plague and famine.
Just the facts man.
Think for yourself. Question and research EVERYTHING! Don't take others word for it, after all, we're all born atheist.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Letter To An Old Friend
Sorry I defriended you on Facebook, I was pissed because you said Obama's a Muslim, I thought you were better than that, that you could see through the thin veil of deception of the GOP. They are not the republicans of your grandfather, these people hate the middle-class, always had, and are willing to destroy our nation and economy because Obama has tried to actually be helpful to regular people.
Paul Ryan is a follower of Ayn Rands perverted glorifying of selfishness. I have read her books, and if that'writers' philosophy influences a person in government than we are all in shits creek. They have explicitly said they hate the new deal, regulations, and appropriate taxes on the rich to contribute to the well-being of the citizenry, those same things that made the greatest middle class in history. Wall Street People like Romney casually do horrible things to people to bolster their bottom line.
They want to privatize the very programs that benefit me, you and millions of regular folks like us. The elites today, just as the feudal-lords & robber-barons of yor, view us as merely as commodities, The actions of the investment banks are sound evidence of this.
Thomas Jefferson stressed the importance of a FREE and open university system so as the public can better make truly informed decisions, yet Romney/Ryan would make it much harder for us, not them, to get higher education.
To top it off, I truly believe that hiding money offshore in the caymans and such, from the nation that helped make them successful, like Mitt, borders on treason, and Jefferson certainly wouldn't approve. I've read the entire Federalist Papers, and the Constitution and can come to only one conclusion, that our government that we have today, including BOTH parties, would completely disgust the nations founders.
Obama's the best option of the two, and no, he's not coming for your guns, that's just a bunch of reactionary claptrap with a hint of racism.
I really thought you wouldn't buy into the oligarchs propaganda.
Still love ya,
Sunday, September 9, 2012
David Gregory's Dereliction Of Duty As A Journalist
I saw the David Gregory interview with Willard Mitt Romney today on MSNBC, and noticed an obvious question that should have absolutely been asked of Romney. below is a letter I wrote to NBC expressing my chagrin at David's dropping of a very big ball.
Read on.
To: steve.capus@nbc.com
From @jennifermerril2
This in response to David Gregory's missed opportunity during his interview with Willard Romney.
Romney said that his economic plan would need 8-10 years to implement safely. Mr. Gregory obviously should have asked why Willard expected that Obama's recovery could be done in 4yrs, and I found myself screaming at my TV for him to do so (too bad we don't have 2-way TV's). In my opinion, that was a dereliction of David's responsibility as a journalist. There is so much at stake in this upcoming election that journo's need to do what they used to do, and call these crooks on their BS. Unless, of course, you don't want to offend your corporate sponsors, like it would if you responsibly reported on the impending disaster that is climate-change.
Jennifer Merrill
I certainly don;t expect a response, but I simply had to get it off my chest.
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